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Обзор препринтов №9

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В данном разделе представлены избранные статьи arXiv.org по гравитации, космологии и теоретической физике.

 2015  2016  astro-ph  physics  gr-qc


E. Minguzzi, ''Inclusion of a perfect fluid term into the Einstein-Hilbert action''

I show that it is possible to obtain the stress-energy tensor of the perfect fluid by adding a suitable term to the Einstein-Hilbert action. Variation should be understood with respect to the metric.

Comment: The article is interesting from theoretical point of view. It is important to know that one may obtain perfect fluid stress-energy tensor via variation of metric coefficients.


Jing-Zhao Qi, Ming-Jian Zhang, Wen-Biao Liu, ''Testing dark energy models with H(z) data''

Om(z) is a diagnostic approach to distinguish dark energy models. However, there are few articles to discuss what is the distinguishing criterion. In this paper, firstly we smooth the latest observational H(z) data using a model-independent method -- Gaussian processes, and then reconstruct the Om(z) and its fist order derivative L(1)m. Such reconstructions not only could be the distinguishing criteria, but also could be used to estimate the authenticity of models. We choose some popular models to study, such as ΛCDM, generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model, Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) parametrization and Jassal-Bagla-Padmanabhan (JBP) parametrization. We plot the trajectories of Om(z) and L(1)m with 1sigma confidence level of these models, and compare them to the reconstruction from H(z) data set. The result indicates that the H(z) data does not favor the CPL and JBP models at 1σ confidence level. Strangely, in high redshift range, the reconstructed L(1)m has a tendency of deviation from theoretical value, which demonstrates these models are disagreeable with high redshift H(z) data. This result supports the conclusions of Sahni et al. \citep{sahni2014model} and Ding et al. \citep{ding2015there} that the ΛCDM may not be the best description of our universe.

Comment: The article is interesting because the authors points on the ΛCMD model problems.


Joan Sola, Javier de Cruz Perez, Adria Gomez-Valent, Rafael C. Nunes, ''Dynamical Vacuum against a rigid Cosmological Constant''

When we are approaching the centenary of the introduction of the cosmological constant, Λ, by Einstein in his gravitational field equations, and after about two decades of the first observational papers confirming the existence of a non-vanishing, positive, Λ as the most likely explanation for the observed acceleration of the Universe, we are still facing the question whether Λ is truly a fundamental constant of Nature or a mildly evolving dynamical variable. In this work, we compare a triad of dynamical vacuum models (DVM's) in interaction with matter. By performing an overall fit to the SNIa+BAO+H(z)+LSS+CMB cosmological data, we find that the three DVM's are significantly more favored than the ΛCDM. Compared to the best DVM (the running vacuum model) the option Λ=const is excluded at ~4 σ c.l. This conclusion is strongly supported by Akaike and Bayesian criteria, both rendering more than 25 points of difference against a rigid Λ.

Comment: The article is interesting because the authors points on the ΛCMD model problems.


A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Shinji Mukohyama, Thomas P. Sotiriou, ''Jeans' Ghost''

We show that a massless canonical scalar field minimally coupled to general relativity can become a tachyonic ghost at low energies around a background in which the scalar's gradient is spacelike. By performing a canonical transformation we demonstrate that this low energy ghost can be recast, at the level of the action, in a form of a fluid that undergoes a Jeans-like instability affecting only modes with large wavelength. This illustrates that low-energy tachyonic ghosts do not lead to a catastrophic quantum vacuum instability, unlike the usual high-energy ghost degrees of freedom.

Comment: The article is interesting from theoretical point of view as it provide some ground for low-energy tachyonic ghosts.


Eleonora Di Valentino, Alessandro Melchiorri, Joseph Silk, ''Reconciling Planck with the local value of H_0 in extended parameter space''

The recent determination of the local value of the Hubble constant by Riess et al, 2016 (hereafter R16) is now 3.3 σ higher than the value derived from the most recent CMB anisotropy data provided by the Planck satellite in a ΛCMD model. Here we perform a combined analysis of the Planck and R16 results in an extended parameter space, varying simultaneously 12 cosmological parameters instead of the usual 6. We find that a phantom-like dark energy component, with effective equation of state w=-1.29(+0.15 -0.12) at 68 % c.l. can solve the current tension between the Planck dataset and the R16 prior in an extended ΛCMD scenario. On the other hand, the neutrino effective number is fully compatible with standard expectations. This result is confirmed when including cosmic shear data from the CFHTLenS survey and CMB lensing constraints from Planck. However, when BAO measurements are included we find that some of the tension with R16 remains, as also is the case when we include the supernova type Ia luminosity distances from the JLA catalog.

Comment The article is interesting because the authors points on the ΛCMD model problems.


Huibert het Lam, Tomislav Prokopec, ''Singularities in FLRW Spacetimes''

We point out that past-incompleteness of geodesics in FLRW spacetimes does not necessarily imply that these spacetimes start from a singularity. Namely, if a test particle that follows such a trajectory has a non-vanishing velocity, its energy was super-Planckian at some time in the past if it kept following that geodesic. That indicates a breakdown of the particle's description, which is why we should not consider those trajectories for the definition of an initial singularity. When one only considers test particles that do not have this breakdown of their trajectory, it turns out that the only singular FLRW spacetimes are the ones that have a scale parameter that vanishes at some initial time.

Comment: Pretty good article stating physical-relevant ideas about singularities


Tirthabir Biswas, Alexey S. Koshelev, Anupam Mazumdar, ''Consistent Higher Derivative Gravitational theories with stable de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter Backgrounds''

In this paper we provide the criteria for any generally covariant, parity preserving, and torsion free theory of gravity to possess a stable de Sitter (dS) or anti-de Sitter (AdS) background. By stability we mean the absence of tachyonic or ghost-like states in the perturbative spectrum that can lead to classical instabilities and violation of quantum unitarity. While we find that the usual suspects, the F(R) and F(G) theories, can indeed possess consistent (A)dS backgrounds, G being the Gauss-Bonnet term, another interesting class of theories, string-inspired infinite derivative gravity, can also be consistent around such curved vacuum solutions. Our study should not only be relevant for quantum gravity and early universe cosmology involving ultraviolet physics, but also for modifications of gravity in the infra-red sector vying to replace dark energy.

Comment: Article with an important criteria for any gravity models


Nikolaos Tetradis, ''Black holes and Higgs stability''

We study the effect of primordial black holes on the classical rate of nucleation of AdS regions within the standard electroweak vacuum. We find that the energy barrier for transitions to the new vacuum, which characterizes the exponential suppression of the nucleation rate, can be reduced significantly in the black-hole background. A precise analysis is required in order to determine whether the the existence of primordial black holes is compatible with the form of the Higgs potential at high temperature or density in the Standard Model or its extensions.

Comment: Interesting article showing that HEP may and will be effected by gravitation in detectable way.


Kostas Glampedakis, George Pappas, Hector O. Silva, Emanuele Berti, ''Astrophysical applications of the post-Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff formalism''

The bulk properties of spherically symmetric stars in general relativity can be obtained by integrating the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations. In previous work we developed a ''post-TOV'' formalism - inspired by parametrized post-Newtonian theory - which allows us to classify in a parametrized, phenomenological form all possible perturbative deviations from the structure of compact stars in general relativity that may be induced by modified gravity at second post-Newtonian order.

Comment: The article may be useful for neutron stars research in frame of modified gravity


Tsutomu Kobayashi, ''Generic instabilities of non-singular cosmologies in Horndeski theory: a no-go theorem''

The null energy condition can be violated stably in generalized Galileon theories, which gives rise to the possibilities of healthy non-singular cosmologies. However, it has been reported that in many cases cosmological solutions are plagued with instabilities or have some pathologies somewhere in the whole history of the universe. Recently, this was shown to be generically true in a certain subclass of the Horndeski theory. In this short paper, we extend this no-go argument to the full Horndeski theory, and show that non-singular models (with flat spatial sections) in general suffer either from gradient instabilities or some kind of pathology in the tensor sector. This implies that one must go beyond the Horndeski theory to implement healthy non-singular cosmologies.

Comment: The article is crucial for Horndeski cosmologies. Basically, it was proven that nonsingular Horndeski cosmologies are worse that singular one.


Qing-Guo Huang, Ke Wang, ''How the Dark Energy Can Reconcile Planck with Local Determination of the Hubble Constant''

We try to reconcile the tension between the local 2.4 % determination of Hubble constant and its global determination by Planck CMB data and BAO data through modeling the dark energy variously.

Comment: The article devoted to discussion of ΛCMD.


Eugeny Babichev, Kazuya Koyama, David Langlois, Ryo Saito, Jeremy Sakstein, ''Relativistic Stars in Beyond Horndeski Theories''

This work studies relativistic stars in beyond Horndeski scalar-tensor theories that exhibit a breaking of the Vainshtein mechanism inside matter, focusing on a model based on the quartic beyond Horndeski Lagrangian. We self-consistently derive the scalar field profile for static spherically symmetric objects in asymptotically de Sitter space-time and show that the Vainshtein breaking branch of the solutions is the physical branch thereby resolving several ambiguities with non-relativistic frameworks.

Comment: Detail discussion of relativistic stars in beyond Horndeski theories


Levon Pogosian, Alessandra Silvestri, ''What can Cosmology tell us about Gravity? Constraining Horndeski with σ and Mu''

Phenomenological functions σ and Mu are commonly used to parametrize possible modifications of the Poisson equation relating the matter density contrast to the lensing and the Newtonian potentials, respectively. They will be well constrained by future surveys of large scale structure. But what would the implications of measuring particular values of these functions be for modified gravity theories? We ask this question in the context of general Horndeski class of single field scalar-tensor theories with second order equations of motion.

Comment: The key idea of the article is that measurement of effective gravitational constants for matter and radiation is very fruitful and will results in strong constraints on many modified gravities.


F. Becattini, ''Thermodynamic equilibrium in relativity: four-temperature, Killing vectors and Lie derivatives''

The main concepts of general relativistic thermodynamics and general relativistic statistical mechanics are reviewed. The main building block of the proper relativistic extension of the classical thermodynamics laws is the four-temperature vector β, which plays a major role in the quantum framework and defines a very convenient hydrodynamic frame. The general relativistic thermodynamic equilibrium condition demands β to be a Killing vector field. We show that a remarkable consequence is that all Lie derivatives of all physical observables along the four-temperature flow must then vanish.

Comment: Good review of thermodynamics in relativity


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