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Пётр Леонидович Капица
Обзор препринтов №8

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В данном разделе представлены избранные статьи arXiv.org по гравитации, космологии и теоретической физике.

 2015  2016  astro-ph  physics  gr-qc


Israel Quiros, Ricardo Garcia-Salcedo, Tame Gonzalez, F. Antonio Horta-Rangel, Joel Saavedra, "Brans-Dicke Galileon and the Variational Principle"

This paper is aimed at a (mostly) pedagogical exposition of the derivation of the motion equations of certain modifications of general relativity. Here we derive in all detail the motion equations in the Brans-Dicke theory with the cubic self-interaction. This is a modification of the Brans-dicke theory by the addition of a term in the Lagrangian which is non-linear in the derivatives of the scalar field: it contains second-order derivatives. This is the basis of the so-called Brans-Dicke Galileon. We pay special attention to the variational principle and to the algebraic details of the derivation. It is shown how higher order derivatives of the fields appearing in the intermediate computations cancel out leading to second order motion equations. The reader will find useful tips for the derivation of the field equations of modifications of general relativity such as the scalar-tensor theories and f(R) theories, by means of the (stationary action) variational principle. The content of this paper is specially recommended to those graduate and postgraduate students who are interested in the study of the mentioned modifications of general relativity.

Comment: The article contains pretty well-written derivation of EOM for Gauss-Bonnet gravity. It may be useful for pedagogical purpose.


Aindriu Conroy, Alexey S. Koshelev, Anupam Mazumdar, ''Criteria for resolving the cosmological singularity in Infinite Derivative Gravity''

Einstein's General theory of relativity permits space-time singularities, where null congruences focus in the presence of matter, which satisfies an appropriate energy condition. In this paper, we argue that such a singularity may be avoided if two important criteria are satisfied: (1) An additional scalar degree of freedom, besides the massless graviton, must be introduced to the spacetime; and (2) An infinite-derivative extension is required in order to avoid tachyons or ghosts from the graviton propagator.

Comment: Interesting discussion of initial singularity avoidance.


Shreya Banerjee, Sayantani Bera, T. P. Singh, ''Quantum nonlocality, and the end of classical space-time''

Quantum non-local correlations and the acausal, spooky action at a distance suggest a discord between quantum theory and special relativity. We propose a resolution for this discord by first observing that there is a problem of time in quantum theory. There should exist a reformulation of quantum theory which does not refer to classical time. Such a reformulation is obtained by suggesting that space-time is fundamentally non-commutative. Quantum theory without classical time is the equilibrium statistical thermodynamics of the underlying non-commutative relativity. Stochastic fluctuations about equilibrium give rise to the classical limit and ordinary space-time geometry. However, measurement on an entangled state can be correctly described only in the underlying non-commutative space-time, where there is no causality violation, nor a spooky action at a distance.

Comment: Pretty interesting essay supporting the idea of noncomutative geometry by applying to nonlocalities in quantum mechanics


Daniela Saadeh, Stephen M. Feeney, Andrew Pontzen, Hiranya V. Peiris, Jason D. McEwen, ''How isotropic is the Universe?''

A fundamental assumption in the standard model of cosmology is that the Universe is isotropic on large scales. Breaking this assumption leads to a set of solutions to Einstein's field equations, known as Bianchi cosmologies, only a subset of which have ever been tested against data. For the first time, we consider all degrees of freedom in these solutions to conduct a general test of isotropy using cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization data from Planck

Commetn: Pretty interesting article supporting proving that the Universe if flat.


Matti Raasakka, ''Spacetime-free Approach to Quantum Theory and Effective Spacetime Structure''

Motivated by hints of the effective emergent nature of spacetime structure, we develop a spacetime-free framework for quantum theory. We find that quantum states on an extended observable algebra, the free algebra generated by the observables, may give rise to effective spacetime structures. Accordingly, perturbations of the quantum state (e.g., excitations of the vacuum) lead to perturbations of the induced effective spacetime geometry. We initiate the study of these perturbations, and their relation to gravitational phenomena.

Comment: The article contains interesting discussion of the issue of emergent space-time as consequence of QFT. Also it contains many useful references.


Alessio Belenchia, Dionigi M. T. Benincasa, Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Mehdi Saravani, ''Low-Energy Signatures of Nonlocal Field Theories''

The response of inertial particle detectors coupled to a scalar field satisfying nonlocal dynamics described by non-analytic functions of the d'Alembertian operator □ is studied. We show that spontaneous emission processes of a low energy particle detector are very sensitive to high-energy non-locality scales. This allows us to suggest a nuclear physics experiment ( MeV energy scales) that outperforms the sensitivity of LHC experiments by many orders of magnitude. This may have implications for the falsifiability of theoretical proposals of quantum gravity.

Comment: Pretty interesting article giving a ground for experimental tests of nonlocal theories.


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