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Лев Давидович Ландау
Обзор препринтов №6

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В данном разделе представлены избранные статьи arXiv.org по гравитации, космологии и теоретической физике.

 2015  2016  astro-ph  physics  gr-qc


Yuri Bonder, ''Torsion or not torsion, that is the question''

A hypothesis of general relativity is that spacetime torsion vanishes identically. This assumption has no empirical support; in fact, a nonvanishing torsion is compatible with all the experimental tests of general relativity. The first part of this essay studies the framework that is suitable to test the vanishing-torsion hypothesis, and an interesting relation with the gravitational degrees of freedom is suggested. In the second part, some original empirical tests are proposed based on the observation that torsion induces new interactions between different spin-polarized particles

Comment: Short but informative paper giving experimental issues of GR with torsion in nutshell.


Daria A. Tretyakova, ''Seeking for the observational manifestation of de Sitter Relativity''

The de Sitter invariant special relativity is a natural extension of the usual Einstein special relativity. Within this framework a generalization of special relativity (SR) for the de Sitter space-time introduces a new length scale R, serving an origin of geometrical cosmological constant Λ =3/R2. De Sitter relativity predicts the departure from the Lorentz invariance due to spacetime curvature, related to the geometrical cosmological constant. In this paper the possible impact of de Sitter special relativity effects on threshold particle processes and equivalence principle violation is considered. The main conclusion is that constraints, coming from cosmological fine structure constant variations render this effects nowadays undetectable. A brief outlook is given thereafter.


Weikang Lin, Mustapha Ishak, ''Ultra faint dwarf galaxies: an arena for testing dark matter versus modified gravity''

The scenario consistent with a wealth of observations for the missing mass problem is that of weakly interacting dark matter particles. However, arguments or proposals for a Newtonian or relativistic modified gravity scenario continue to be made. A distinguishing characteristic between the two scenarios is that dark matter particles can produce a gravitational effect, in principle, without the need of baryons while this is not the case for the modified gravity scenario where such an effect must be correlated with the amount of baryonic matter. We consider here ultra-faint dwarf (UFD) galaxies as a promising arena to test the two scenarios based on the above assertion. We compare the correlation of the luminosity with the velocity dispersion between samples of UFD and non-UFD galaxies, finding a trend of loss of correlation for the UFD galaxies. For example, we find for 28 non-UFD galaxies a strong correlation coefficient of -0.688 which drops to -0.077 for the 23 UFD galaxies. Incoming and future data will determine whether the observed stochasticity for UFD galaxies is physical or due to systematics in the data. Such a loss of correlation (if it is to persist) is possible and consistent with the dark matter scenario for UFD galaxies but would constitute a new challenge for the modified gravity scenario.

Comment: Very interesting article providing evidence favoring Dark Matter scenario over Modified Gravity.


Oscar M. Pimentel, Guillermo A. Gonzalez, F. D. Lora-Clavijo, ''The Energy-Momentum Tensor for a Dissipative Fluid in General Relativity''

Considering the growing interest of the astrophysicist community in the study of dissipative fluids with the aim of getting a more realistic description of the universe, we present in this paper a physical analysis of the energy-momentum tensor of a viscous fluid with heat flux. We introduce the general form of this tensor and, using the approximation of small velocity gradients, we relate the stresses of the fluid with the viscosity coefficients, the shear tensor and the expansion factor. Exploiting these relations, we can write the stresses in terms of the extrinsic curvature of the normal surface to the 4-velocity vector of the fluid, and we can also establish a connection between the perfect fluid and the symmetries of the spacetime. On the other hand, we calculate the energy conditions for a dissipative fluid through contractions of the energy-momentum tensor with the 4-velocity vector of an arbitrary observer. This method is interesting because it allows us to compute the conditions in a reasonable easy way and without considering any approximation or restriction on the energy-momentum tensor.

Comment: Good academic paper.


James Edholm, Alexey S. Koshelev, Anupam Mazumdar, ''Universality of testing ghost-free gravity''

In this paper we show that there is a universal prediction for the Newtonian potential for an infinite derivative, ghost-free, quadratic curvature gravity. We show that in order to make such a theory ghost-free at a perturbative level, the Newtonian potential always falls-off as 1/r in the infrared limit, while at short distances the potential becomes non-singular. We provide examples which can potentially test the scale of gravitational non-locality up to 0.01 eV.

Comment: Useful article proofing very strong statement for big class of models.


Vincent Vennin, Hooshyar Assadullahi, Hassan Firouzjahi, Mahdiyar Noorbala, David Wands, ''Critical Number of Fields in Stochastic Inflation''

Stochastic effects in generic scenarios of inflation with multiple fields are investigated. First Passage Time techniques are employed to calculate the statistical moments of the number of inflationary e-folds, which give rise to all correlation functions of primordial curvature perturbations through the stochastic δN formalism. The number of fields is a critical parameter. The probability of exploring arbitrarily large-field regions of the potential becomes non-vanishing when more than two fields are driving inflation. The mean number of e-folds can be infinite, depending on the number of fields; for plateau potentials, this occurs even with one field. In such cases, correlation functions of curvature perturbations are infinite. They can however be regularised if a reflecting (or absorbing) wall is added at large energy or field value. The results are found to be independent of the exact location of the wall and this procedure is therefore well-defined for a wide range of cutoffs, above or below the Planck scale. Finally, we show that, contrary to single-field setups, multi-field models can yield large stochastic corrections even at sub-Planckian energy, opening interesting prospects for probing quantum effects on cosmological fluctuations.


Alexei A. Starobinsky, Sergey V. Sushkov, Mikhail S. Volkov, ''The screening Horndeski cosmologies''

We present a systematic analysis of homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies in a particular Horndeski model with Galileon shift symmetry, containing also a Lambda-term and a matter. The model, sometimes called Fab Five, admits a rich spectrum of solutions. Some of them describe the standard late time cosmological dynamic dominated by the Lambda-term and matter, while at the early times the universe expands with a constant Hubble rate determined by the value of the scalar kinetic coupling. For other solutions the Lambd-term and matter are screened at all times but there are nevertheless the early and late accelerating phases. The model also admits bounces, as well as peculiar solutions describing ''the emergence of time''. Most of these solutions contain ghosts in the scalar and tensor sectors. However, a careful analysis reveals three different branches of ghost-free solutions, all showing a late time acceleration phase. We analyze the dynamical stability of these solutions and find that all of them are stable in the future, since all their perturbations stay bounded at late times. However, they all turn out to be unstable in the past, as their perturbations grow violently when one approaches the initial spacetime singularity. We therefore conclude that the model has no viable solutions describing the whole of the cosmological history, although it may describe the current acceleration phase. We also check that the flat space solution is ghost-free in the model, but it may acquire ghost in more general versions of the Horndeski theory.


Do Young Kim, Anthony N. Lasenby, Michael P. Hobson, ''Spherically-symmetric solutions in general relativity''

We present a tetrad-based method for solving the Einstein field equations for spherically-symmetric systems and compare it with the widely-used Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) model. In particular, we focus on the issues of gauge ambiguity and the use of comoving versus 'physical' coordinate systems. We also clarify the correspondences between the two approaches, and illustrate their differences by applying them to the classic examples of the Schwarzschild and Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes. We demonstrate that the tetrad-based method does not suffer from the gauge freedoms inherent to the LTB model, naturally accommodates non-zero pressure and has a more transparent physical interpretation. We further apply our tetrad-based method to a generalised form of 'Swiss cheese' model, which consists of an interior spherical region surrounded by a spherical shell of vacuum that is embedded in an exterior background universe. In general, we allow the fluid in the interior and exterior regions to support pressure, and do not demand that the interior region be compensated. We pay particular attention to the form of the solution in the intervening vacuum region and verify the validity of Birkhoff's theorem at both the metric and tetrad level. We then reconsider critically the original theoretical arguments underlying the so-called Rh=ct cosmological model, which has recently received considerable attention. These considerations in turn illustrate the interesting behaviour of a number of 'horizons' in general cosmological models.

Comment: The discussed method may be applied also to any metric theory of gravity thus it may be usefull.


Eugeny Babichev, Christos Charmousis, Antoine Lehebel, ''Black holes and stars in Horndeski theory''

We review black hole and star solutions for Horndeski theory. For non-shift symmetric theories, black holes involve a Kaluza-Klein reduction of higher dimensional Lovelock solutions. On the other hand, for shift symmetric theories of Horndeski and beyond Horndeski, black holes involve two classes of solutions: those that include, at the level of the action, a linear coupling to the Gauss-Bonnet term and those that involve time dependence in the galileon field. We analyze the latter class in detail for a specific subclass of Horndeski theory, discussing the general solution of a static and spherically symmetric spacetime. We then discuss stability issues, slowly rotating solutions as well as black holes coupled to matter. The latter case involves a conformally coupled scalar field as well as an electromagnetic field and the (primary) hair black holes thus obtained. We review and discuss the recent results on neutron stars in Horndeski theories.

Comment: Detail discussion of Black holes in Horndeski models


Alvaro de la Cruz-Dombriz, ''Limitations of cosmography in extended theories of gravity''

The cosmographic approach, which only relies upon the homogeneity and isotropy of the Universe on large scales, has become an essential tool in dealing with an increasing number of theoretical possibilities for explaining the late-time acceleration of the Universe, ranging from Modified Gravity theories to Dark Energy alternatives passing from testing the cosmological concordance ΛCDM model. Despite its generality, we show that this method has a number of shortcomings when trying to adequately reconstruct theories with higher-order derivatives in either the gravitational or the matter sector. Herein some paradigmatic examples of such an inability, explanations of the limitations and prospective cures will be presented.

Comment: The article devoted to limitation of cosmography. It may be useful for understanding some cosmographycal data.


Remko Klein, Diederik Roest, ''Exorcising the Ostrogradsky ghost in coupled systems''

The Ostrogradsky theorem implies that higher-derivative terms of a single mechanical variable are either trivial or lead to additional, ghost-like degrees of freedom. In this letter we systematically investigate how the introduction of additional variables can remedy this situation. Employing a Lagrangian analysis, we identify conditions on the Lagrangian to ensure the existence of primary and secondary constraints that together imply the absence of Ostrogradsky ghosts. We also show the implications of these conditions for the structure of the equations of motion as well as possible redefinitions of the variables. We discuss applications to analogous higher-derivative field theories such as multi-Galileons and beyond Horndeski.

Comment Rather mathematical, but interesting discussion of high-derivative models


Leonard Susskind, ''Copenhagen vs Everett, Teleportation, and ER=EPR''

Quantum gravity may have as much to tell us about the foundations and interpretation of quantum mechanics as it does about gravity. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics and Everett's Relative State Formulation are complementary descriptions which in a sense are dual to one another. My purpose here is to discuss this duality in the light of the of ER=EPR conjecture.


Alexey S. Koshelev, Leonardo Modesto, Leslaw Rachwal, Alexei A. Starobinsky, ''Occurrence of exact R2 inflation in non-local UV-complete gravity''

The R+R2, shortly named ''R2'' (''Starobinsky'') inflationary model, represents a fully consistent example of a one-parameter inflationary scenario. This model has a ''graceful exit'' from inflation and provides a mechanism for subsequent creation and final thermalization of the standard matter. Moreover, it produces a very good fit of the observed spectrum of primordial perturbations. In the present paper we show explicitly that the R2 inflationary spacetime is an exact solution of a range of weakly non-local (quasi-polynomial) gravitational theories, which provide an ultraviolet completion of the R2 theory. These theories are ghost-free, super-renormalizable or finite at quantum level, and perturbatively unitary. Their spectrum consists of the graviton and the scalaron that is responsible for driving the inflation. Notably, any further extension of the spectrum leads to propagating ghost degrees of freedom. We are aimed at presenting a detailed construction of such theories in the so called Weyl basis. Further, we give a special account to the cosmological implications of this theory by considering perturbations during inflation. The highlight of the non-local model is the prediction of a modified, in comparison to a local R2 model, value for the ratio of tensor and scalar power spectra r, depending on the parameters of the theory. The relevant parameters are under control to be successfully confronted with existing observational data. Furthermore, the modified r can surely meet future observational constraints.


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