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Обзор препринтов №11

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В данном разделе представлены избранные статьи arXiv.org по гравитации, космологии и теоретической физике.

 2015  2016  astro-ph  physics  gr-qc


Alessandro Codello, Rajeev Kumar Jain, ''A Unified Evolution of the Universe''

We present a unified evolution of the universe from very early times until the present epoch by including both the leading local correction R2 and the leading non-local term R □-2 R to the classical gravitational action. We find that the inflationary phase driven by R2 term gracefully exits in a transitory regime characterized by coherent oscillations of the Hubble parameter. The universe then naturally enters into a radiation dominated epoch followed by a matter dominated era. At sufficiently late times after radiation-matter equality, the non-local term starts to dominate inducing an accelerated expansion of the universe at the present epoch. We further exhibit the fact that both the leading local and non-local terms can be obtained within the covariant effective field theory of gravity. Our scenario thus provides a unified picture of inflation and dark energy in a single framework by means of a purely gravitational action without the usual need of a scalar field.

Comment The article is interesting as it provide an example of modified gravity that are able to provide consistent cosmological picture.


A.E.Shalyt-Margolin, ''Minimal Length, Measurability and Gravity''

The present work is a continuation of the previous papers written by the author on the subject. In terms of the measurability (or measurable quantities) notion introduced in a minimal length theory, first the consideration is given to a quantum theory in the momentum representation. The same terms are used to consider the Markov gravity model that here illustrates the general approach to studies of gravity in terms of measurable quantities. This paper is dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of Professor Vladimir Grigor'evich Baryshevsky.

Comment: Another paper with good discussion of existence of minimal length.

Original Article, ArXiv

Ashok K. Singal, ''Horizon, homogeneity and flatness problems -- do their resolutions really depend upon inflation?''

In textbooks and review articles on modern cosmology one almost invariably comes across a section devoted to the subject of observed homogeneity and near-flatness of the universe where it is argued that to explain these observations inflation is almost a must. In fact that was the prime motive of Guth to propose inflation in the first place. We show that the arguments offered therein are not proper. The horizon problem, which leads to the causality arguments, arises only in the world models where homogeneity and isotropy (cosmological principle) is presumed to begin with. We do not know whether the horizon problem would still arise in non-homogeneous world models. Therefore as long as we are investigating consequences of the cosmological models based on Robertson-Walker line element, there is no homogeneity issue. We also show that the flatness problem, as it is posed, is not even falsifiable. The usual argument used in literature is that the present density of the universe is very close (within an order of magnitude) to the critical density value. From this one infers that the universe must be flat since otherwise in past at 10-35 second (near the epoch of inflation) there will be extremely low departures of density from the critical density value (i.e., differing from unity by a fraction of order ~10-53), requiring a sort of fine tuning. Actually we show that even if the present value of the density parameter (in terms of the critical density value) were very different, still at 10-35 second it would in any case differ from unity by a fraction of order ~ 10-53. So such a fine-tuning does not discriminate between various world models and a use of fine tuning argument amounts to a priori rejection of all models with k ≠ 0.

Comment Well-written article giving a good discussion if an arguments supporting the idea of inflation.


Sergey G. Rubin, ''Interpenetrating subspaces as a funnel to extra space''

New solution for two interpenetrating universes is found. Higher derivative gravity acting in 6-dimensional space is the basis of the study that allows to obtain stable solution without introducing matter of any sort. Stability of the solution is maintained by a difference between asymptotic behavior at spacial infinities. For an external observer such a funnel looks similar to a spherical wormhole.

Comment: Interesting academic article. In a nutshell, it devoted to a hypothetical spacetime with two compactifyed extra dimensions. The key point is the compactifyed dimensions are compact in different areas.

Original article, ArXiV

A. Woszczyna, P. Plaszczyk, W. Czaja, Z. A. Golda, ''Symbolic Tensor Calculus -- Functional and Dynamic Approach''

In this paper, we briefly discuss the dynamic and functional approach to computer symbolic tensor analysis. The ccgrg package for Wolfram Language/Mathematica is used to illustrate this approach. Some examples of applications are attached.

Original article, ArXiV

B. Santos, N. Chandrachani Devi, J. S. Alcaniz, ''Bayesian comparison of non-standard cosmologies using type Ia supernovae and BAO data''

We use the most recent type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) observations to perform a statistical comparison between the standard ΛCDM model and its extensions (wCDM and w(z)CDM) and some alternative cosmologies, namely: the Dvali--Gabadadze--Porrati (DGP) model, a power-law f(R) scenario in the metric formalism and an example of vacuum decay (Λ(t)CDM) cosmology in which the dilution of pressureless matter is attenuated with respect to the usual a-3 scaling due to the interaction of the dark matter and dark energy fields. We perform a Bayesian model selection analysis using the Affine-Invariant Monte-Carlo Ensemble sampler. In order to obtain the posterior distribution for the parameters of each model, we use the Joint Lightcurve Analysis (JLA) SNe Ia compilation containing 740 events in the interval 0.010 priors on the results.

Comment: Good article with a statistical analysis of cosmological models.


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