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Обзор препринтов №10

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В данном разделе представлены избранные статьи arXiv.org по гравитации, космологии и теоретической физике.

 2015  2016  astro-ph  physics  gr-qc


Arturo Avelino, Robert P. Kirshner, "The dimensionless age of the Universe: a riddle for our time"

We present the interesting coincidence of cosmology and astrophysics that points toward a dimensionless age of the universe H0*t0 that is close to one. Despite cosmic deceleration for 9 Gyr and acceleration since then, we find H0 * t0 = 0.96 ± 0.01 for the LCDM model that fits SN Ia data from Pan-STARRS, CMB power spectra, and baryon acoustic oscillations. Similarly, astrophysical measures of stellar ages and the Hubble constant derived from redshifts and distances point to H0*t ~ 1.0 ± 0.1. The wide range of possible values for H0*t0 realized during comic evolution means that we live at what appears to be a special time. This "synchronicity problem" is not precisely the same as the usual Coincidence problem because there are combinations of ΩMatter and ΩLambda for which the usual coincidence problem holds but for which H0*t0 is not close to 1.

Comment: Pretty interesting article highlighting interesting issue.


John Estes, Michael Kavic, Matthew Lippert, John H. Simonetti, "Shining Light on Quantum Gravity with Pulsar-Black Hole Binaries"

Pulsars are some of the most accurate clocks found in nature, while black holes offer a unique arena for the study of quantum gravity. As such, pulsar-black hole (PSR-BH) binaries provide ideal astrophysical systems for detecting effects of quantum gravity. With the success of aLIGO and the advent of instruments like the SKA and eLISA, the prospects for discovery of such PSR-BH binaries are very promising. We argue that PSR-BH binaries can serve as ready-made testing grounds for proposed resolutions to the black hole information paradox. We propose using timing signals from a pulsar beam passing through the region near a BH event horizon as a probe of quantum gravitational effects. In particular, we demonstrate that fluctuations of the geometry outside a black hole lead to an increase in the measured root-mean-square deviation of arrival times of pulsar pulses traveling near the horizon. This allows for a clear observational test of the nonviolent nonlocality proposal for black hole information escape. For a series of pulses traversing the near-horizon region, this model predicts an rms in pulse arrival times of ~ 30 mks for a 3 Solar mass black hole, ~0.3 ms for a 30 Solar mass black hole, and ~ 40s for Sgr A*. The current precision of pulse time of arrival measurements is sufficient to discern these rms fluctuations. This work is intended to motivate observational searches for PSR-BH systems as a means of testing models of quantum gravity.

Comment: The article is interesting because it gives the direct value of effects that may be measured.


Hal M. Haggard, Carlo Rovelli, "Quantum Gravity Effects around Sagittarius A*"

Recent VLBI observations have resolved Sagittarius A* at horizon scales. The Event Horizon Telescope is expected to provide increasingly good images of the region around the Schwarzschild radius rS of Sgr A* soon. A number of authors have recently pointed out the possibility that non-perturbative quantum gravitational phenomena could affect the space surrounding a black hole. Here we point out that the existence of a region around 7/6 rS where these effects should be maximal.

Comment: Pretty interesting article giving ground for search of quantum effects in Sgr A


William E. East, John Kearney, Bibhushan Shakya, Hojin Yoo, Kathryn M. Zurek, "Spacetime Dynamics of a Higgs Vacuum Instability During Inflation"

A remarkable prediction of the Standard Model is that, in the absence of corrections lifting the energy density, the Higgs potential becomes negative at large field values. If the Higgs field samples this part of the potential during inflation, the negative energy density may locally destabilize the spacetime. We use numerical simulations of the Einstein equations to study the evolution of inflation-induced Higgs fluctuations as they grow towards the true (negative-energy) minimum. These simulations show that forming a single patch of true vacuum in our past lightcone during inflation is incompatible with the existence of our Universe; the boundary of the true vacuum region grows outward in a causally-disconnected manner from the crunching interior, which forms a black hole. We also find that these black hole horizons may be arbitrarily elongated---even forming black strings---in violation of the hoop conjecture. By extending the numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation to the exponentially-suppressed tails of the field distribution at large field values, we derive a rigorous correlation between a future measurement of the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the scale at which the Higgs potential must receive stabilizing corrections in order for the Universe to have survived inflation until today.

Comment: Interesting article researching the interplay between instability of Higgs vacuum and inflation.


R. Hagala, C. Llinares, D. F. Mota, ''Cosmic Tsunamis in Modified Gravity: Scalar waves disrupting screening mechanisms''

Extending General Relativity by adding extra degrees of freedom is a popular approach to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe and to build high energy completions of the theory of gravity. The presence of such new degrees of freedom is, however, tightly constrained from several observations and experiments that aim to test General Relativity in a wide range of scales. The viability of a given modified theory of gravity therefore strongly depends on the existence of a screening mechanism that suppresses the extra degrees of freedom. We perform simulations, and find that waves propagating in the new degrees of freedom can significantly impact the efficiency of the screening mechanisms, thereby spoiling the viability of modified gravity theories. Specifically, we show that the waves produced can increase the amplitude of the fifth force and the Parametrized Post Newtonian parameters by several orders of magnitude.

Comment: Pretty interesting article showing that screening mechanism may be compromised by waves of new gravitational DOF.


Antonio De Felice, Shinji Mukohyama, ''Graviton mass reduces tension between early and late time cosmological data''

The standard ΛCDM predicts a growth of structures which tends to be higher than the values of redshift space distortion measurements, if the cosmological parameters are fixed by the CMB data. In this paper we point out that this discrepancy can be resolved/understood if we assume that the graviton has a small but non-zero mass. In the context of the Minimal Theory of Massive Gravity (MTMG), due to infrared Lorentz violations measurable only at present cosmological scales, the graviton acquires a mass without being haunted by unwanted extra degrees of freedom. It is possible to choose a branch of cosmological solutions in MTMG for which the background is the same as that in GR but the evolution of matter perturbations gets modified by the graviton mass. On studying the fit of such modified dynamics to the above-mentioned redshift distortion measurements, we find that the ΛCDM model is less probable than MTMG by three orders of magnitude. The data also pin-down the graviton mass around μ = 9.8e-33 eV, which is consistent with the latest upper bound μ < 1.2e-22 eV set by the recent LIGO observation.

Comment: Article showing that non-zero mass of graviton provide better fit for some cosmological data


Richard Howl, Lucia Hackermuller, David Edward Bruschi, Ivette Fuentes, ''Gravity in the Quantum Lab''

At the beginning of the previous century, Newtonian mechanics fell victim to two new revolutionary theories, Quantum Mechanics (QM) and General Relativity (GR). Both theories have transformed our view of physical phenomena, with QM accurately predicting the results of experiments taking place at small length scales, and GR correctly describing observations at larger length scales. However, despite the impressive predictive power of each theory in their respective regimes, their unification still remains unresolved. Theories and proposals for their unification exist but we are lacking experimental guidance towards the true unifying theory. Probing GR at small length scales where quantum effects become relevant is particularly problematic but recently there has been a growing interest in probing the opposite regime, QM at large scales where relativistic effects are important. This is principally due to the fact that experimental techniques in quantum physics have developed rapidly in recent years with the promise of quantum technologies. Here we review recent advances in experimental and theoretical work on quantum experiments that will be able to probe relativistic effects of gravity on quantum properties, playing particular attention to the role of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime (QFTCS) in describing these experiments. Interestingly, theoretical work using QFTCS has illustrated that these quantum experiments could be used to enhance measurements of gravitational effects, such as Gravitational Waves (GWs). Furthermore, verification of such enhancements, as well as other QFTCS predictions in quantum experiments, would provide the first direct validation of this limiting case of quantum gravity, several decades after it was initially proposed.

Comment: The article is devoted to experimental-related stuff, but discussing important question.


Krzysztof A. Meissner, Hermann Nicolai, ''Conformal Anomalies and Gravitational Waves''

We argue that the presence of conformal anomalies in gravitational theories can lead to observable modifications to Einstein's equations via the induced anomalous effective actions, whose non-localities can overwhelm the smallness of the Planck scale. The fact that no such effects have been seen in recent cosmological or gravitational wave observations therefore imposes strong restrictions on the field content of possible extensions of Einstein's theory: all viable theories should have vanishing conformal anomalies. We then show that, among presently known theories, a complete cancellation of conformal anomalies in D=4 for both the C2 invariant and the Euler (Gauss-Bonnet) invariant E4 can only be achieved for N-extended supergravities with N ≥ 5, as well as for M theory compactified to four dimensions.

Comment: Very interesting article investigating the influence of anomalous effective action of gravity. The article provide very strong constraint on the possible modification of gravity.


Kais Abdelkhalek, Wissam Chemissany, Leander Fiedler, Gianpiero Mangano, Rene Schwonnek, ''Optimal uncertainty relations in a modified Heisenberg algebra''

Various theories that aim at unifying gravity with quantum mechanics suggest modifications of the Heisenberg algebra for position and momentum. From the perspective of quantum mechanics, such modifications lead to new uncertainty relations which are thought (but not proven) to imply the existence of a minimal observable length. Here we prove this statement in a framework of sufficient physical and structural assumptions. Moreover, we present a general method that allows to formulate optimal and state-independent variance-based uncertainty relations. In addition, instead of variances, we make use of entropies as a measure of uncertainty and provide uncertainty relations in terms of min- and Shannon entropies. We compute the corresponding entropic minimal lengths and find that the minimal length in terms of min-entropy is exactly one bit.

Comment: Very interesting academical article. The results look very promising.


Sayantan Choudhury, Sudhakar Panda, Rajeev Singh, ''Bell violation in the Sky''

In this work, we have studied the possibility of setting up Bell's inequality violating experiment in the context of cosmology, based on the basic principles of quantum mechanics. First we start with the physical motivation of implementing the Bell's inequality violation in the context of cosmology. Then to set up the cosmological Bell violating test experiment we introduce a model independent theoretical framework using which we have studied the creation of new massive particles by implementing the WKB approximation method for the scalar fluctuations in presence of additional time dependent mass contribution. Next using the background scalar fluctuation in presence of new time dependent mass contribution, we explicitly compute the expression for the one point and two point correlation functions. Furthermore, using the results for one point function we introduce a new theoretical cosmological parameter which can be expressed in terms of the other known inflationary observables and can also be treated as a future theoretical probe to break the degeneracy amongst various models of inflation. Additionally, we also fix the scale of inflation in a model independent way without any prior knowledge of primordial gravitational waves. Next, we also comment on the technicalities of measurements from isospin breaking interactions and the future prospects of newly introduced massive particles in cosmological Bell violating test experiment. Further, we cite a precise example of this set up applicable in the context of string theory motivated axion monodromy model. Then we comment on the explicit role of decoherence effect and high spin on cosmological Bell violating test experiment. In fine, we provide a theoretical bound on the heavy particle mass parameter for scalar fields, graviton and other high spin fields from our proposed setup.

Comment: Big interesting academical article that may be interesting in context of quantum cosmology and early Universe


William Donnelly, Steven B. Giddings, ''Observables, gravitational dressing, and obstructions to locality and subsystems''

Quantum field theory - our basic framework for describing all non-gravitational physics - conflicts with general relativity: the latter precludes the standard definition of the former's essential principle of locality, in terms of commuting local observables. We examine this conflict more carefully, by investigating implications of gauge (diffeomorphism) invariance for observables in gravity. We prove a dressing theorem, showing that any operator with nonzero Poincare charges, and in particular any compactly-supported operator, in flat-spacetime quantum field theory must be gravitationally dressed once coupled to gravity, i.e. it must depend on the metric at arbitrarily long distances, and we put lower bounds on this nonlocal dependence. This departure from standard locality occurs in the most severe way possible: in perturbation theory about flat spacetime, at leading order in Newton's constant. The physical observables in a gravitational theory therefore do not organize themselves into local commuting subalgebras: the principle of locality must apparently be reformulated or abandoned, and in fact we lack a clear definition of the coarser and more basic notion of a quantum subsystem of the Universe. We discuss relational approaches to locality based on diffeomorphism-invariant nonlocal operators, and reinforce arguments that any such locality is state-dependent and approximate. We also find limitations to the utility of bilocal diffeomorphism-invariant operators that are considered in cosmological contexts. An appendix provides a concise review of the canonical covariant formalism for gravity, instrumental in the discussion of Poincare charges and their associated long-range fields.

Comment: Another academic article providing the evidence that QFT framework, gravity and locality can't live together


Pedro Avelino et. al, ''Unveiling the Dynamics of the Universe''

We explore the dynamics and evolution of the Universe at early and late times, focusing on both dark energy and extended gravity models and their astrophysical and cosmological consequences. Modified theories of gravity not only provide an alternative explanation for the recent expansion history of the universe, but they also offer a paradigm fundamentally distinct from the simplest dark energy models of cosmic acceleration. In this review, we perform a detailed theoretical and phenomenological analysis of different modified gravity models and investigate their consistency. We also consider the cosmological implications of well motivated physical models of the early universe with a particular emphasis on inflation and topological defects. Astrophysical and cosmological tests over a wide range of scales, from the solar system to the observable horizon, severely restrict the allowed models of the Universe. Here, we review several observational probes -- including gravitational lensing, galaxy clusters, cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization, supernova and baryon acoustic oscillations measurements -- and their relevance in constraining our cosmological description of the Universe.

Comment A good review of modified gravity

Original Article, ArXiV

Gia Dvali, ''Strong Coupling and Classicalization''

Classicalization is a phenomenon in which a theory prevents itself from entering into a strong-coupling regime, by redistributing the energy among many weakly-interacting soft quanta. In this way, the scattering process of some initial hard quanta splits into a large number of soft elementary processes. In short, the theory trades the strong coupling for a high-multiplicity of quanta. At very high energies, the outcome of such a scattering experiment is a production of soft states of high occupation number that are approximately classical. It is evident that black hole creation in particle collision at super-Planckian energies is a result of classicalization, but there is no a priory reason why this phenomenon must be limited to gravity. If the hierarchy problem is solved by classicalization, the LHC has a chance of detecting a tower of new resonances. The lowest-lying resonances must appear right at the strong coupling scale in form of short-lived elementary particles. The heavier members of the tower must behave more and more classically: they must be longer lived and decay into higher numbers of soft quanta.

Comment: Pretty interesting article giving a review of classicalization


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